Founded 1915 Welcome to the Committee of Polegate Town FC.     

Committee Members

If you would like to contact any of the Committee, please click here.


Chris Bennett

(2006 - present)

Chris has been with the club since it was reformed back in 2006, and is a well known character around Polegate. He was involved in the previous Polegate team, before it folded in 2000. "Earsy's" former company, Barnard Industrial Services, kindly sponsored Polegate Town's 1st home kit. On matches days you certainly won't miss Earsy as he paces (slowly) up and down the touch line.


David Sheppard

(2014 - present)

David has been with the club since the start, and moved into his current position having been a player representative for many years. "Shep" brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the clubs, and someone who's opinion is always worth listening too. Shep played for the previous Polegate FC in its final few seasons and was one of the founding members to reform in 2006.


Stuart Black

(2020 - present)

Stuart was the main person behind reforming the club back in 2006, and puts in a lot of effort to see the club succeed and to make sure the players and supporters of Polegate Town FC have good facilities to use. "Blackie" was the 1st team manager until 2013, which was a role he fulfilled since 2006 and has seen the club wins several cups and progress in the leagues. He has served many roles on the Committee, including Vice Chairman (2006-09), Treasurer (2007-08), Secretary (2010-11), Chairman (2010-16).


Graham Holder

(2020 - present)

Hoddle has been on the committee for the past year and stepped up to become the clubs Chairman in 2020. Hoddle brings a wealth of knowledge and is well respected at the club and within the Polegate community.


Nick Underdown

(2020 - present)

Nick has been with the club for several years and has now been pusuaded to join the committee supporting Graham in his new role. Nick is the clubs groundsman and is well liked amongst players and supporters bring a great knowledge of Polegate and the WMRG.

General & Fixtures Secretary

Danni Green

(2017 - present)

Danni has been a keen supporter and follows her brother home and away to games and wanted to get more involved in the club this year. Danni will look after the admin side of the club and will help the other secretaries to ensure everything is done correctly and on time.

Minutes Secretary

Alan Brooks

(2017 - present)

A new role added to the club's roster in 2017 to help spread the work load of the secretary around amoungst the committee. Alan will remain as treasurer but document the minutes at the AGM and monthly commitee meetings which will be available upon request.

Registration Secretary

Liam Brooks

(2017 - present)

Another new position added in 2017 to spread the secretarial work around. Liam assisted Stuart Black last year in registering players and will be carrying on the role this year. So if you want to sign on for Polegate, Liam is the man to get the form to. This year adds the additional work of requiring photo ID, so don't be worried if Liam asks you for your photo!


Alan Brooks

(2010 - present)

Alan has been in charge of the club's finances since 2010, having taken over from the retired Ed Neuss. "AB" is also the 1st team linesman, having retired from refereeing in the Sussex County League. He has the unpleasant task of chasing in any unpaid fees, but the club appreciate the time and effort he goes to, to ensure the club is on a sound financial footing.

Club Captain

Liam Brooks

(2015 - present)

Liam took the responsibility of Club Captain over from Mark Davis, after Mark stepped down due to him also being 1st team manager. Liam becomes only the third club captain since 2006, and his dedication to the club needs no explaining.

Committee Member

Justin Leatham

(2016 - present)

Justin has been with the club several years, but due to a change in job is now able to support the club as a Player Rep on the committee. Justin brings a great knowledge of what the players want at the club and will prove to be an important asset linking players to the committee alongside Alex.

Committee Member

Jacob Holder

(2017 - present)

Jake has been a player for several years now and despite still being young, he is one of the more senior players at the club. A well liked and respected player within the club.

Committee Member

Gary Young

(2018 - present)

Gary joined the committee alongside joining the club as 2nd team manager, but has since stepped down as manager but remains committed to the club.

Committee Member

Puddy Knight

(2020 - present)

Puddy joined the committee after his son joined the club and although hasn't been involved at the club for long, he has taken on a wide range of responsibility and now helps Glenn Mitchell with 1st team management duties.

Welfare Officer

Justin Leatham

(2019 - present)

As now one of the senior players, Justin ensure the club has the correct procedures for the younger players of the club.

Press & Social Media

Liam Brooks

(2006 - present)

Liam has been with the club since the start in 2006, and has had the responsibility of making sure the website is up-to-date with the latest news and reports since then, as well as contacting the local newspapers each week. Liam also runs the clubs fantasy football, so basically if it involves a computer, Liam's the person to ask.

Honorary Life Members

Chris Bennett, Stuart Black (founder), Liam Brooks (founder), Mark Davis (founder), Nicky Dyson-Rooke, Nick Underdown, Rob Gellatley, Neil Illsley (founder), Derek Lee, Linda Lee, Mick Seacombe (founder), David Sheppard (founder), Mark Standen (founder), Ali Thompson (founder).

Former Committee Members

Vice President - Dave Challinor (2007-2010)
Vice President - Paul Trewin (2010-2012)
Chairman - Rob Gellatley (2006-2008)
Chairman - Paul Trewin (2008-2010)
Chairman - Derek Lee (2010)
Chairman - Stuart Black (2010-2016)
Chairman - Jules Maynard (2016-2020)
Vice Chairman - Stuart Black (2006-2009)
Vice Chairman - Scott Defty (2009-2010)
Vice Chairman - David Sheppard (2010-2011)
Vice Chairman - Jules Maynard (2012-2016)
Vice Chairman - Stuart Black (2016-2020)
Secretary - Nicky Dyson-Rooke (2006-2008)
Secretary - Mary Order (2008-2010)
Secretary - Stuart Black (2010-2011)
Secretary - Steve Etherington (2011-2013)
Secretary - Ian Harper (2013-2014)
Secretary - Bev Harrison (2014-2016)
Secretary - Stuart Black (2016-2017)
Fixtures Secretary - Nicky Dyson-Rooke (2006-2010)
Fixtures Secretary - Julia Davis (2010-2012)
Fixtures Secretary - Steve Etherington (2012-2013)
Fixtures Secretary - Ian Harper (2013-2016)
Fixtures Secretary - Alex Speirs (2016-2018)
Treasurer - Mick Seacombe (2006-2007)
Treasurer - Stuart Black (2007-2008)
Treasurer - Ed Neuss (2008-2010)
Committee Member - Ian Harper (2016-2018)
Club Captain - David Sheppard (2006-2008)
Club Captain - Mark Davis (2008-2015)
Player Representative - Mark Davis (2006-2008)
Player Representative - David Sheppard (2008-2014)
Player Representative - Paul Critchfield (2012-2014)
Player Representative - Mark Standen (2014-2015)
Player Representative - John Stewart (2014-2016)
Player Representative - Alex Speirs (2015-2017)
Player Representative - Dom Crowhurst (2016-2018)
Player Representative - Joe Green (2016-2018)
Player Representative - Richard North (2017-2020)
Welfare Officer - John Stewart (2016-2019)